Resource / Construction Blog
Crafting the Perfect Proposal for Construction Project with Buildern

Construction Blog

Crafting the Perfect Proposal for Construction Project with Buildern

The proposal is your first impression. It’s your handshake, your business card, and your sales pitch all rolled into a single document. Yet, there is no one-size-fits-all template for winning a proposal for a construction project. So, how do you ensure your proposal stands out and wins you the project? The answer lies in creativity, […]

9 mins read Read more
Construction Schedules: How to Create and Manage Them Effectively 

Construction Blog

Construction Schedules: How to Create and Manage Them Effectively 

Have you ever found yourself knee-deep in a construction project, feeling like you’re juggling a dozen tasks at once? You’ve got teams of workers, materials arriving, and clients eagerly awaiting progress updates.  This will be your nightmare without a proper construction schedule! Project planning isn’t just about crossing dates on a calendar and hoping for […]

9 mins read Read more
Construction Communication: 9 Tips to Bridge the Gap and Improve It

Construction Blog

Construction Communication: 9 Tips to Bridge the Gap and Improve It

Effective communication can often be the difference between a project that is on time and budget, and one that results in delays and disputes.  In the industry, where precision and coordination are non-negotiable, effective construction communication is more than just a professional skill; it’s a survival tactic. Table of Contents The Role of Good Communication […]

14 mins read Read more
6 Main Construction Billing Methods | Which Is Right for You?

Construction Accounting

6 Main Construction Billing Methods | Which Is Right for You?

Have you ever considered how the construction billing methods you choose impact the success of your project? Selecting the appropriate billing method is not a decision to be taken lightly. It goes beyond mere preference; it’s about understanding the balance between ensuring timely payments and maintaining the financial health of the project. With this in […]

12 mins read Read more
10 Attention-Worthy CoConstruct Alternatives to Look for in 2024

Construction Blog

10 Attention-Worthy CoConstruct Alternatives to Look for in 2024

Looking for the best CoConstruct alternatives? We’ve known this day would come and we’ve done our deep research to offer you comprehensive software reviews.  Going through endless demos, trials, and errors is the last thing you want when there are new and ongoing projects. That’s why we’ve done the hard lifting, and today you will […]

13 mins read Read more
10 Buildertrend Alternatives: Succeed with Similar Software This Year!

Construction Blog

10 Buildertrend Alternatives: Succeed with Similar Software This Year!

Are you looking for a Buildertrend alternative to explore the new depths of construction project management? While it is a popular software in the industry, it may not be the perfect fit for everyone. As the construction market grows alarmingly, the demand for improved technology also rises. That’s why we have compiled a list of […]

11 mins read Read more
Construction CRM: What Is It and How to Choose the Best One?

Construction Blog

Construction CRM: What Is It and How to Choose the Best One?

Are you tired of scattered project data, missed deadlines, and communication breakdowns on your construction sites? With your competitors growing stronger day by day, staying ahead demands more than just hard hats and blueprints. It requires construction CRM to help you with project execution from start to finish.  But why not use a standard CRM […]

9 mins read Read more
10 Best Construction Project Management Software Reviews for 2024

Construction Blog

10 Best Construction Project Management Software Reviews for 2024

Setting up your construction business requires the right foundation.  From coordinating timelines to managing budgets, every project manager knows the importance of having efficient tools at their disposal. Regardless of the sphere, the right construction project management software has become one of today’s construction industry’s most critical and non-negotiable assets. It’s not about keeping track […]

24 mins read Read more
Construction Taxes 2024: USA, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada Guide

Construction Blog

Construction Taxes 2024: USA, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada Guide

Are you still struggling to navigate the complex web of construction taxes, uncertain about deductions, credits, and compliance requirements that could impact your bottom line? Lucky for you, we are calling all the builders in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada as we have gathered all the essential information about construction taxes. Save our […]

12 mins read Read more
Buildern vs. Buildertrend | 2024 In-Depth Comparison

Construction Blog

Buildern vs. Buildertrend | 2024 In-Depth Comparison

Last update March 2024 (updated software pricing information) As a construction project management professional, you’ve probably searched for the best tool to systemize and automate estimating, bidding, scheduling, and communication processes. Yet, with so many options available on the market, deciding which one will suit your company’s business objectives can be challenging. Indeed, construction project […]

18 mins read Read more
Construction Invoicing: 5 Steps to Get Paid on Time In 2024

Construction Blog

Construction Invoicing: 5 Steps to Get Paid on Time In 2024

Last update February 2024 86% of construction professionals experience stress from slow payments and cash flow problems. This creates a chain reaction of financial hardship for the construction companies, resulting in reduced profits, project delays, etc. But hold on; why should this be the case? Getting your construction invoicing payments on time can be a […]

12 mins read Read more
6 Contractor Foreman Alternatives to Look for in 2024

Construction Blog

6 Contractor Foreman Alternatives to Look for in 2024

In the ever-evolving construction world, the hunt for efficient and innovative project management solutions is an ongoing endeavor. If you’ve been using Contractor Foreman, you’re already well-acquainted with the transformative impact of a reliable tool.  But as we are in the middle of 2024, exploring what other players bring to the table is productive. This […]

10 mins read Read more
General Contractor Markup 101: Everything You Need to Know

Construction Accounting

General Contractor Markup 101: Everything You Need to Know

Did you know that the average general contractor markup on labour is 25% and higher, and on materials, it can be as high as 50%? What does this imply for your business as a builder? Considering these average markup percentages, it’s essential to ask yourself: Are you charging enough to impact your profitability positively, or […]

9 mins read Read more
Top 10+ Procore Alternatives to Boost Construction Efficiency

Construction Blog

Top 10+ Procore Alternatives to Boost Construction Efficiency

Strap on your hard hat and get ready to unleash a whirlwind of productivity. Those looking to upscale and explore new construction project management alternatives to Procore have finally found a treasure trove of possibilities.  The construction industry is evolving, and so should your tools. It’s time to step into the future, where innovation and […]

16 mins read Read more
Construction Timesheet: Meeting Deadlines and Budget with Buildern

Construction Blog

Construction Timesheet: Meeting Deadlines and Budget with Buildern

Ever found yourself scratching your head at the end of the week, wondering where all the time went on your construction project? Construction sites bustle with an array of subcontractors and various crews, each focused on their tasks, ranging from laying foundations to installing electrical systems, all converging to complete the final build. The builder […]

7 mins read Read more
Construction Career: 15+ Demanding and Rewarding Construction Jobs

Construction Blog

Construction Career: 15+ Demanding and Rewarding Construction Jobs

What do you imagine when you think about construction? Hard hats, heavy machinery, and building materials may come to mind.  But there’s more to this industry than manual labor.  It’s a complex blend of project management, forecasting, communication and other skills that make this world of creating new spaces and structures possible.  You can occupy […]

12 mins read Read more
How to Start a Construction Company: Requirements, Tips & Techniques

Construction Blog

How to Start a Construction Company: Requirements, Tips & Techniques

Starting a construction company can be thrilling, filled with opportunities to create, innovate, and make your mark in the world of edifice creation. Whether inspired by the towering structures that punctuate the city skyline or the success stories of friends who have taken the plunge into the construction business, the idea of launching your venture […]

10 mins read Read more
7 Superior Houzz Pro Alternatives that Cover What It Lacks

Construction Blog

7 Superior Houzz Pro Alternatives that Cover What It Lacks

Hey there, current, yet current, or already a former Houzz Pro user! If you’re looking for Houzz Pro alternatives, that’s probably because you’ve realized that even though it is a great tool for home design and remodeling professionals, it may not cover all of your specific needs.  Maybe you’re looking for more advanced features or […]

12 mins read Read more
What Is a Residential Construction Proposal?

Construction Blog

What Is a Residential Construction Proposal?

Have you ever wondered how the most successful residential remodelers and custom home builders consistently secure the best and most profitable projects?The secret lies in their construction proposal. A well-crafted proposal shows the potential clients the proficiency and willingness to work seriously. It also helps to avoid any misunderstandings during the project completion phase. On […]

14 mins read Read more
Retainage in Construction: Security Measure for Owners, But What for Contractors?

Construction Blog

Retainage in Construction: Security Measure for Owners, But What for Contractors?

The construction industry is a risk-intensive business, where owners have to make sure that their investment is secure while contractors are trying to maximize their profit margins. Considering the sensitive nature of construction projects, where each party has its own vested interests, each of them also tries to add more layers of security for their […]

11 mins read Read more
Construction Supply Chain: How Do You Manage It Properly?

Construction Blog

Construction Supply Chain: How Do You Manage It Properly?

You have a construction project delay because of a material shortage. Is it the internal issue of your team collaboration that resulted in late orders or the external issue of suppliers running out of stock? Maybe the root of the problem is in the initial wrong takeoff that led to over or under-ordering materials. Whatever […]

12 mins read Read more
Extensive Guide to Australian Construction Industry Peculiarities 2024!

Construction Blog

Extensive Guide to Australian Construction Industry Peculiarities 2024!

The Australian construction industry is a vital contributor to the country’s economy, generating billions of dollars in revenue and employing hundreds of thousands of workers. However, the industry also faces its unique challenges and peculiarities that require careful consideration for businesses and individuals operating within it. In this extensive guide to the Australian construction industry, […]

18 mins read Read more
What Is Construction Document Management, And How to Do It Right

Construction Blog

What Is Construction Document Management, And How to Do It Right

Handling an impressive volume of paperwork requires ultimate dedication and increased proficiency. Regardless of the industry, the process involves organizing and managing everything to ensure a smooth workflow and satisfied clients. Document management in the construction industry is not an exception. From construction drawings through the licensing and permit issuing process, invoicing, bidding, reporting and […]

17 mins read Read more
5 Top-Notch BuildBook Alternatives for Project Excellence

Construction Blog

5 Top-Notch BuildBook Alternatives for Project Excellence

If you’re navigating the choppy waters of construction project management with BuildBook and finding it falling short, we have a solution for you! Among multiple project management tools, several robust BuildBook alternatives can bring a breeze of simplicity, efficiency, and excellence to your projects. As a relatively simple software solution, BuildBook offers a platform for […]

8 mins read Read more
Construction Selection Simplified: 5 Tips to Streamline Your Next Project

Construction Blog

Construction Selection Simplified: 5 Tips to Streamline Your Next Project

Tired of poorly managed construction selections? Struggling with endless back-and-forth communication with clients to finalize choices for multiple places? It’s time to bid farewell to these common construction project management woes! Buildern, a leading-edge construction project management software, is here to revolutionize how you handle your projects. Designed with builders in mind, Buildern streamlines all […]

7 mins read Read more
8 Buildxact Alternatives and Competitors to Try: Build Smarter, Not Harder!

Construction Blog

8 Buildxact Alternatives and Competitors to Try: Build Smarter, Not Harder!

Are you in search of Buildxact alternatives to delve into the uncharted territories of construction project management? While Buildxact may be a go-to solution for some industry players, sometimes even the most reliable tool in our digital toolbox needs an upgrade.  To help you find the perfect match for your project management, we have assembled […]

16 mins read Read more
Construction Risk Management: 8 Effective Tips To Success

Construction Blog

Construction Risk Management: 8 Effective Tips To Success

In construction, orchestrating a successful project involves navigating through a labyrinth of intricacies. The grandeur of these undertakings is matched only by the complexity they entail. From crafting schedules and allocating budgets to nurturing a proficient workforce through comprehensive construction risk management training and drafting a symphony of contracts—the journey of a construction project is […]

10 mins read Read more
Clients in Construction Industry: Effective Ways to Attract and Keep Them

Construction Blog

Clients in Construction Industry: Effective Ways to Attract and Keep Them

It takes a lot of effort and time to start your construction company. But the most challenging part is to keep it. If you’re new to the industry, finding clients and getting your first construction projects can be tricky as your company doesn’t have enough reputation yet.  But even if your company has been working […]

16 mins read Read more
Key Construction Company Goals Leading to a Successful Growth

Construction Blog

Key Construction Company Goals Leading to a Successful Growth

The construction industry is enormous, ranking among the largest sectors in the world economy. The worldwide construction sector is projected to achieve an approximate value of $10.5 trillion by 2023, experiencing a steady growth rate of 4.2% annually. This upward trend is anticipated to persist, leading the industry to reach $12.9 trillion by 2028, with […]

11 mins read Read more
Complete Construction Terminology Cheat Sheet: US and AU Specific

Construction Blog

Complete Construction Terminology Cheat Sheet: US and AU Specific

Have you ever felt like construction language is a secret code only insiders understand?  Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Welcome to the fascinating construction world, where a shared language is the key to unlocking successful projects and seamless communication. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or an aspiring builder ready to take on new challenges, […]

20 mins read Read more
Logging Progress, Driving Success: Construction Daily Logs Explained

Construction Blog

Logging Progress, Driving Success: Construction Daily Logs Explained

Do you find yourself constantly battling with incomplete records, misplaced information, and missed deadlines? If so, it’s time to anchor your success with a powerful tool: construction daily logs. In the high-stakes construction world, the importance of keeping accurate and detailed daily logs cannot be overstated. Such recordings are the backbone of project management, providing […]

11 mins read Read more
Construction Cost Codes 101: Tips to Build Smarter, Not Harder

Construction Blog

Construction Cost Codes 101: Tips to Build Smarter, Not Harder

Disorganized project planning, ineffective communication among team members, and going over budget can wear anyone out in the construction sector. At some point, builders concerned with these wish they had a magic wand to run their construction projects like well-oiled machines, with streamlined processes, efficient cost management, and clear communication among all stakeholders. That world […]

11 mins read Read more
Top 12 Construction Scheduling Software to Improve Project Management in 2023

Construction Blog

Top 12 Construction Scheduling Software to Improve Project Management in 2023

Struggling to keep your construction projects on schedule and within budget? You’re not alone. With the growing complexity of construction projects, managing schedules, resources, and budgets have become a major challenge for construction managers. Fortunately, there’s a solution: construction scheduling software.  These tools streamline the project management process, making it easier to stay on top of schedules, […]

20 mins read Read more
Construction Allowances 101: 4 Effective Practices for Budget Management

Construction Blog

Construction Allowances 101: 4 Effective Practices for Budget Management

One of the most desired situations for any builder is to have an estimated budget as close to the true cost as possible. The more accurate the planned budget, the easier and faster project completion will be. However, the construction industry is all about uncertainties and unexpected things popping up during the project. So, it’s important […]

7 mins read Read more
In-Depth Guide to Maximizing Construction Payment Management

Construction Blog

In-Depth Guide to Maximizing Construction Payment Management

Construction payment management can be a challenging process, as common issues such as payment disputes, lack of proper documentation, and poor cash flow management often occur. These issues can lead to financial instability, strained relationships with clients, and legal disputes. To help construction business owners and managers overcome these challenges, we’ve created an in-depth guide […]

15 mins read Read more
What Is Construction RFI? 3 Steps to Handle Automated Processes

Construction Blog

What Is Construction RFI? 3 Steps to Handle Automated Processes

A Request for Information (RFI) is a formal process used in construction project management to clarify questions or uncertainties that arise during the planning, design, or construction phases of a project. An RFI is typically submitted by a contractor, subcontractor, or supplier seeking clarification or additional information from the project owner, subcontractors, vendors, design team, […]

10 mins read Read more
Contractor Payment Terms | Everything You Need to Know

Construction Blog

Contractor Payment Terms | Everything You Need to Know

Let’s face it. Late payments are a huge headache for construction companies.  A recent study by the Australian government found that 72% of subcontractors were paid late on 40% of the invoices they sent out. Given the scale of the problem, the importance of enforcing well-formulated and professional payment terms cannot be overstated. The right contractor […]

10 mins read Read more
Construction Contingency vs. Allowance | Key Differences Defined

Construction Blog

Construction Contingency vs. Allowance | Key Differences Defined

Construction team dealing with contingency and allowances

8 mins read Read more
How to Manage Construction Collaboration: The 3 Most Effective Steps

Construction Blog

How to Manage Construction Collaboration: The 3 Most Effective Steps

Studies show construction site workers spend 30% of their time doing rework. And as the Mediterranean Journal’s report shows, such a substantial need for rework arises because of poor communication between project stakeholders. Do you need more research to be convinced of the importance of construction collaboration? Fostering better collaboration in the construction industry is […]

10 mins read Read more
Construction Project Team Structure: How to Manage a Construction Team

Construction Blog

Construction Project Team Structure: How to Manage a Construction Team

Great teamwork makes dreams work! A related study shows that smooth collaboration and objective recognition of a workgroup’s achievements increase profits by 29%. The construction industry, like any other, is no exception. Building an effective team structure takes the combined efforts of everyone involved in the venture – from C-level executives to architects, engineers, and […]

18 mins read Read more
How to Manage Construction Change Orders and Keep Pace With Schedule?

Construction Blog

How to Manage Construction Change Orders and Keep Pace With Schedule?

As a general contractor, you will hardly be happy to receive construction change orders from the owner when things are planned to perfection, and you strive to adhere to the construction schedule. However, change orders are an unavoidable part of the construction project. Thus, builders should manage them proactively. If you’ve received a change request […]

9 mins read Read more
Most Common Construction Management Challenges and Why they Occur

Construction Blog

Most Common Construction Management Challenges and Why they Occur

The construction industry is a big and mighty industry with a huge contribution to the world economy. As a major contributor, the construction industry has a significant impact on the US economy as well. In fact, the construction industry has more than 745,000 employers with over 7.6 million employees and generates approximately $1.4 trillion in […]

13 mins read Read more
Construction Manager vs. Project Manager: What Are The Main Differences?

Construction Blog

Construction Manager vs. Project Manager: What Are The Main Differences?

In the construction industry, the surveillance of the process and proper management is crucial as, without it, the risk of project failure or heavy construction rework increases. That’s why construction companies put so much effort into ensuring quality oversight of the work. There are two management positions responsible for it. Yet the ongoing construction manager […]

15 mins read Read more
Construction Site Safety: Accident Cases and Rules to Keep

Construction Blog

Construction Site Safety: Accident Cases and Rules to Keep

It’s not a secret to anyone that construction site is among one the most dangerous workplaces. One in every five deaths among US workers occurs in the construction industry. Compared to 4,764 construction workers dying on their job, the number rose to 5,190 deaths through 2021. These statistics prove that construction companies are responsible for […]

17 mins read Read more
No Penny Is Underlooked: 5 Types of Construction Cost Estimation

Construction Blog

No Penny Is Underlooked: 5 Types of Construction Cost Estimation

The wise construction manager knows that the actual cost of any project is only realized once the task is complete and all financial obligations have been accounted for. That’s because too many predictable and unpredictable factors can affect the cost of a major construction project. Meanwhile, however challenging the task of predicting the total cost […]

20 mins read Read more
10 Construction Technology Trends in 2023 You Cannot Miss

Construction Blog

10 Construction Technology Trends in 2023 You Cannot Miss

It is hard to believe that three years have already passed since the first Covid outbreak. While the pandemic impacted all of us differently, the sectors centered on the domestic market were hurt the most. During 2020, the construction industry had remarkably lower economic activity levels, which resulted in the sector’s contraction by -12.7 percent.  […]

16 mins read Read more
What Is Construction Takeoff and How to Do It?

Construction Blog

What Is Construction Takeoff and How to Do It?

Let’s put it straight. How many times have you struggled to estimate a construction project? It’s an unpredictable field, and it takes more than a gut feeling to forecast materials and the overall project budget accurately. That’s why construction takeoff is so essential; it allows you to plan, predict the number of materials needed for […]

16 mins read Read more
Construction WIP (Work in Progress) Report | The Easiest Way to Create It

Construction Blog

Construction WIP (Work in Progress) Report | The Easiest Way to Create It

At some point, construction project management becomes a complex and expensive task. As the project evolves, keeping track of your finances every step of the way is crucial. An older report provided by McKinsey claims that larger projects typically take over 20% longer to finish than the scheduled timeframe. This leads to cost overruns that […]

8 mins read Read more
Manage Payments Reliably: Top 9 Contractor Invoice Software in 2024

Construction Accounting

Manage Payments Reliably: Top 9 Contractor Invoice Software in 2024

Regardless of the sphere of your construction activity, as a contractor, you will have to deal with invoicing. Creating accurate invoices can be as time-consuming and frustrating as dealing with clients who don’t pay on time. Documentation management and automation are crucial to streamlining the workflow so that you can focus on your business goals. […]

13 mins read Read more
The Best Project Management Tools for Construction in 2023

Construction Blog

The Best Project Management Tools for Construction in 2023

Technology has come a long way in the construction industry. Statistics claim that over 94% of general contracts use at least one solution to monitor and manage their project. Data has become the backbone of any project. While past generations managed projects with paper and Excel, the modern generation has moved on to cloud-based applications […]

13 mins read Read more
Construction Accounting 101: Principles and Best Practices

Construction Accounting

Construction Accounting 101: Principles and Best Practices

Construction accounting is a unique branch of accounting that reflects the specific financial needs of contractors and construction companies. It’s not a parallel universe, but it’s worth knowing some important differences between construction accounting and other types of business accounting. Construction projects are usually larger and more complex than other types of business venture. So, […]

19 mins read Read more
3 Proven Ways to Master Construction Time Management

Construction Blog

3 Proven Ways to Master Construction Time Management

Time is money! Time management is not just about meeting deadlines, but also creating a construction schedule that minimizes costs and wasted time and resources. This statement is especially true in construction, where a single day of delays could mean the loss of tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. Still, delays happen to […]

10 mins read Read more
Comprehensive Guide to Construction Budgeting | Must-Have Tools

Construction Accounting

Comprehensive Guide to Construction Budgeting | Must-Have Tools

Construction project management requires careful planning and execution to achieve the desired results. While most short-term projects may not require a detailed construction budget, for anything more complex, precise budget planning is a crucial step that can make or break the project. What’s all the fuss about? Construction budgeting is not as simple as allocating […]

13 mins read Read more
7 Major Concerns Women in Construction May Have

Construction Blog

7 Major Concerns Women in Construction May Have

When we think about a construction worker, most of the time, we imagine a man. Rarely would we think of a girl partaking in the excavation, laying bricks, or carrying heavy weights. And there’s a reason for it. According to the statistics, the percentage of women in construction is incomparably low, as 89% of construction […]

10 mins read Read more
8 Construction Subs Management Tips To Improve their Productivity

Construction Blog

8 Construction Subs Management Tips To Improve their Productivity

If you want your construction company to succeed in big projects and meet the expectations of your clients, knowing how to manage your construction subs is a must. The quality of your project largely depends on them, and if you fail to choose the right construction subs and oversee them properly, the construction rework is […]

8 mins read Read more
Construction Rework Costs, Statistics & Eliminations

Construction Blog

Construction Rework Costs, Statistics & Eliminations

Imagine you’re working on a critical project for hours when all of a sudden your computer shuts down, and you lose all of your results. We’ve all been there at least once and know exactly how it feels. Now imagine that the work you were doing required an entire team, took you all a couple […]

14 mins read Read more
Construction Project Management: Types, phases, Strategies And More

Construction Blog

Construction Project Management: Types, phases, Strategies And More

Table of Contents Construction Management Evolution/History Types of Construction Projects2.1. Residential Building2.2. Institutional And Commercial Building2.3. Specialized Industrial Construction2.4. Infrastructure And Heavy Construction2.5. Environmental Construction2.6. Agricultural Construction Construction Roles Types Of Construction Contracts4.1. Fixed-Price Contract4.2. Time and Material Contracts4.3. Cost-reimbursement Contract Construction Project Management Stages5.1. Conceptualization5.2. Planning5.3. The execution5.4. Project Monitoring Construction Project Management Processes6.1. […]

48 mins read Read more
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