Resource / Construction Project Management
Construction Schedules: How to Create and Manage Them Effectively 

Construction Blog

Construction Schedules: How to Create and Manage Them Effectively 

Have you ever found yourself knee-deep in a construction project, feeling like you’re juggling a dozen tasks at once? You’ve got teams of workers, materials arriving, and clients eagerly awaiting progress updates.  This will be your nightmare without a proper construction schedule! Project planning isn’t just about crossing dates on a calendar and hoping for […]

9 mins read Read more
What Is Construction Document Management, And How to Do It Right

Construction Blog

What Is Construction Document Management, And How to Do It Right

Handling an impressive volume of paperwork requires ultimate dedication and increased proficiency. Regardless of the industry, the process involves organizing and managing everything to ensure a smooth workflow and satisfied clients. Document management in the construction industry is not an exception. From construction drawings through the licensing and permit issuing process, invoicing, bidding, reporting and […]

17 mins read Read more
Construction Project Management: Types, phases, Strategies And More

Construction Blog

Construction Project Management: Types, phases, Strategies And More

Table of Contents Construction Management Evolution/History Types of Construction Projects2.1. Residential Building2.2. Institutional And Commercial Building2.3. Specialized Industrial Construction2.4. Infrastructure And Heavy Construction2.5. Environmental Construction2.6. Agricultural Construction Construction Roles Types Of Construction Contracts4.1. Fixed-Price Contract4.2. Time and Material Contracts4.3. Cost-reimbursement Contract Construction Project Management Stages5.1. Conceptualization5.2. Planning5.3. The execution5.4. Project Monitoring Construction Project Management Processes6.1. […]

48 mins read Read more