Resource / Construction Software
Construction Schedules: How to Create and Manage Them Effectively 

Construction Blog

Construction Schedules: How to Create and Manage Them Effectively 

Have you ever found yourself knee-deep in a construction project, feeling like you’re juggling a dozen tasks at once? You’ve got teams of workers, materials arriving, and clients eagerly awaiting progress updates.  This will be your nightmare without a proper construction schedule! Project planning isn’t just about crossing dates on a calendar and hoping for […]

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10 Attention-Worthy CoConstruct Alternatives to Look for in 2024

Construction Blog

10 Attention-Worthy CoConstruct Alternatives to Look for in 2024

Looking for the best CoConstruct alternatives? We’ve known this day would come and we’ve done our deep research to offer you comprehensive software reviews.  Going through endless demos, trials, and errors is the last thing you want when there are new and ongoing projects. That’s why we’ve done the hard lifting, and today you will […]

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10 Best Construction Project Management Software Reviews for 2024

Construction Blog

10 Best Construction Project Management Software Reviews for 2024

Setting up your construction business requires the right foundation.  From coordinating timelines to managing budgets, every project manager knows the importance of having efficient tools at their disposal. Regardless of the sphere, the right construction project management software has become one of today’s construction industry’s most critical and non-negotiable assets. It’s not about keeping track […]

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Buildern vs. Buildertrend | 2024 In-Depth Comparison

Construction Blog

Buildern vs. Buildertrend | 2024 In-Depth Comparison

Last update March 2024 (updated software pricing information) As a construction project management professional, you’ve probably searched for the best tool to systemize and automate estimating, bidding, scheduling, and communication processes. Yet, with so many options available on the market, deciding which one will suit your company’s business objectives can be challenging. Indeed, construction project […]

18 mins read Read more
6 Contractor Foreman Alternatives to Look for in 2024

Construction Blog

6 Contractor Foreman Alternatives to Look for in 2024

In the ever-evolving construction world, the hunt for efficient and innovative project management solutions is an ongoing endeavor. If you’ve been using Contractor Foreman, you’re already well-acquainted with the transformative impact of a reliable tool.  But as we are in the middle of 2024, exploring what other players bring to the table is productive. This […]

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Top 10+ Procore Alternatives to Boost Construction Efficiency

Construction Blog

Top 10+ Procore Alternatives to Boost Construction Efficiency

Strap on your hard hat and get ready to unleash a whirlwind of productivity. Those looking to upscale and explore new construction project management alternatives to Procore have finally found a treasure trove of possibilities.  The construction industry is evolving, and so should your tools. It’s time to step into the future, where innovation and […]

16 mins read Read more
7 Superior Houzz Pro Alternatives that Cover What It Lacks

Construction Blog

7 Superior Houzz Pro Alternatives that Cover What It Lacks

Hey there, current, yet current, or already a former Houzz Pro user! If you’re looking for Houzz Pro alternatives, that’s probably because you’ve realized that even though it is a great tool for home design and remodeling professionals, it may not cover all of your specific needs.  Maybe you’re looking for more advanced features or […]

12 mins read Read more
5 Top-Notch BuildBook Alternatives for Project Excellence

Construction Blog

5 Top-Notch BuildBook Alternatives for Project Excellence

If you’re navigating the choppy waters of construction project management with BuildBook and finding it falling short, we have a solution for you! Among multiple project management tools, several robust BuildBook alternatives can bring a breeze of simplicity, efficiency, and excellence to your projects. As a relatively simple software solution, BuildBook offers a platform for […]

8 mins read Read more
Top 12 Construction Scheduling Software to Improve Project Management in 2023

Construction Blog

Top 12 Construction Scheduling Software to Improve Project Management in 2023

Struggling to keep your construction projects on schedule and within budget? You’re not alone. With the growing complexity of construction projects, managing schedules, resources, and budgets have become a major challenge for construction managers. Fortunately, there’s a solution: construction scheduling software.  These tools streamline the project management process, making it easier to stay on top of schedules, […]

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In-Depth Guide to Maximizing Construction Payment Management

Construction Blog

In-Depth Guide to Maximizing Construction Payment Management

Construction payment management can be a challenging process, as common issues such as payment disputes, lack of proper documentation, and poor cash flow management often occur. These issues can lead to financial instability, strained relationships with clients, and legal disputes. To help construction business owners and managers overcome these challenges, we’ve created an in-depth guide […]

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