Resource / construction
Clients in Construction Industry: Effective Ways to Attract and Keep Them

Construction Blog

Clients in Construction Industry: Effective Ways to Attract and Keep Them

It takes a lot of effort and time to start your construction company. But the most challenging part is to keep it. If you’re new to the industry, finding clients and getting your first construction projects can be tricky as your company doesn’t have enough reputation yet.  But even if your company has been working […]

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Construction Rework Costs, Statistics & Eliminations

Construction Blog

Construction Rework Costs, Statistics & Eliminations

Imagine you’re working on a critical project for hours when all of a sudden your computer shuts down, and you lose all of your results. We’ve all been there at least once and know exactly how it feels. Now imagine that the work you were doing required an entire team, took you all a couple […]

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